Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Bulan Rejab bulan Allah


Pada 24 Jun 2009 (Rabu) kita memasuki bulan Rejab. Bulan Rejab adalah bulan Allah swt. Ada apa di sebalik bulan Rejab itu? Diriwayatkan bahwa Rasulullah saw telah bersabda, "Ketahuilah bahwa bulan Rejab itu adalah bulan ALLAH swt,

1. Barang siapa yang berpuasa 1 hari dalam bulan ini dengan ikhlas, maka pasti ia mendapat keredhaan yang besar dari ALLAH swt
2. Dan barang siapa berpuasa pada tanggal 27 Rejab /Isra Mi'raj (Isnin, 20 Julai 2009) akan mendapat pahala seperti 5 tahun berpuasa
3. Barang siapa yang berpuasa 2 hari di bulan Rejab akan mendapat kemuliaan di sisi ALLAH swt
4. Barang siapa yang berpuasa 3 hari yaitu pada tanggal 1, 2, dan 3 Rejab (24, 25, 26 Jun 2009) maka ALLAH swt akan memberikan pahala seperti 900 tahun berpuasa dan menyelamatkannya dari bahaya dunia dan seksa akhirat
5. Barang siapa berpuasa 5 hari dalam bulan ini, insyaallah permintaannya akan dimakbulkan Allah swt...InsyaAllah
6. Barang siapa berpuasa 7 hari dalam bulan ini, maka ditutupkan 7 pintu neraka Jahanam dan 7. Barang siapa berpuasa 8 hari maka akan dibukakan 8 pintu syurga
8. Barang siapa berpuasa 15 hari dalam bulan ini, maka ALLAH swt akan mengampuni dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu dan menggantikan kesemua kejahatannya dengan kebaikan, dan
9.Barang siapa yang menambah (hari-hari puasa) maka ALLAH swt akan menambahkan pahalanya."

Sabda Rasulullah saw lagi :
"Pada malam Mi'raj, saya melihat sebuah sungai yang airnya lebih manis dari madu, lebih sejuk dari air batu dan lebih harum dari minyak wangi, lalu saya bertanya pada Jibril as

"Wahai Jibril untuk siapakah sungai ini?" Maka berkata Jibrilb as "Ya Muhammad sungai ini adalah untuk orang yang membaca selawat untuk engkau dibulan Rejab ini."

Dalam sebuah riwayat Tsauban bercerita :"Ketika kami berjalan bersama-sama Rasulullah saw ke sebuah kubur, lalu Rasulullah saw berhenti dan beliau menangis dengan amat sedih, kemudian beliau berdoa kepada ALLAH swt.

Lalu saya bertanya kepada beliau "Ya Rasulullah, mengapakah engkau menangis?" Lalu beliau bersabda "Wahai Tsauban, mereka itu sedang diseksa dalam kuburnya dan saya berdoa kepada ALLAH swt, lalu ALLAH swt meringankan atas mereka."

Sabda beliau lagi "Wahai Tsauban, kalaulah sekiranya mereka ini mahu berpuasa satu hari dan beribadah satu malam saja di bulan Rejab nescaya mereka tidak akan disiksa di dalam kubur." Tsauban bertanya "Ya Rasulullah, apakah hanya berpuasa satu hari dan beribadah satu malam dalam bulan Rejab sudah dapat mengelakkan dari seksa kubur?"

Sabda beliau "Wahai Tsauban, demi ALLAH Zat yang telah mengutus saya sebagai nabi, tiada seorang muslim lelaki dan perempuan yang berpuasa satu hari dan mengerjakan solat malam sekali dalam bulan Rejab dengan niat karena ALLAH swt, kecuali ALLAH swt mencatatkan baginya seperti berpuasa satu tahun dan mengerjakan solat malam satu tahun."

Subhanallah...Allahuakbar, renungkanlah

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

How to write a manuscript/scientific article

Useful tips from friend on article writing.

How to Write a Manuscript/Scientific Article

This is based on my personal experience after publishing 4 articles (1 for local journal, 3 for international journals). Feel free to give opinions or share your own tips.
1. First thing first, decide which journal are you interested in submitting your article. For example, Atherosclerosis, International Journal of Experimental Pathology, American Journal of Pathology and Nutrition Research (to name a few) are related to my field. Choose a journal with a high impact factor (IF). For a starter, choose journal with IF between 1 to 2.
2. Surf to the official website of that particular journal that you have chosen. Browse through their Instructions for Authors. There you can find the format of the manuscript, i.e. font, line spacing, figures & tables format etc..
3. Then only you can start writing the article. Start with a catchy, concise title. Some journals prefer a straightforward title.
4. List down all author and co-authors' full names (without credentials). Normally, you are the first author (as you are the one who's writing the article) and the last author is the most important person (your main supervisor or grant owner). Don't forget to write down the corresponding author. If you are a student, normally your main supervisor would be the corresponding author.
5. Some people write the Abstract first, but I prefer to skip the Abstract section and start with the Introduction. Abstract is written after the whole manuscript is done.
6. Introduction: Normally it is divided into 3-5 paragraphs. The overall perspective of the study (1-3 paragraphs), describe briefly similar past studies and their findings (1 paragraph) and objective of your study (last paragraph). Avoid long Introduction.
7. Materials & Methods: Divide them into few subheadings, i.e. Preparation of diet, Study design, Statistical analysis etc..
8. Describe briefly every subheadings. Quote every method followed from previous studies and state any modifications, unless you invented the method yourself!! For parameters using commercial kit, state the manufacturer's names and the device used. For example, kit is purchased from Randox Laboratories Ltd. (UK) and performed using Vitalab Selectra E (Netherlands).
9. Results: People will appreciate more if you present your results in tables or figures. Then, describe briefly the important findings in few sentences.
10. Tables and figures should be self-contained. Explain each abbreviations used.
11. Discussion: The most crucial section. Usually, write a recap of the study in the first paragraph.
12. Discuss each important/significant findings. Compare your results with previous studies. Try to refer studies that can support your findings. If your results are contradictory with previous studies, explain why (may be due to different study duration? method? subject's metabolic condition?)
13. If possible, explain the mechanisms or the causes of your findings. Why did it happen? How?
14. Conclusion: Write briefly your overall conclusion. Some write suggestions for future studies, some point out the limitations of the present study.
15. Sort out your references according to the journal's format. Since we're now in 2009, it's good to use references from the year 2000 onwards. This is not applicable for quoting methods, as some established methods are from the year 1951!!
16. Abstract: Write a brief Abstract but all important aspects of the study must be pointed out. Do not cite any references in the Abstract.
17. Keywords: Choose words that you think are relevant for the article. Please check your keywords at the MEsH Database in Pubmed for internationally accepted subject headings.
18. Last but not least, give a copy of your article to each of your co-authors. Expect some major corrections. =)

From : SK ADAM

Thursday, June 18, 2009

EQS Software

Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Multi-Samlpe Confirmatory Factor Analysis (MCFA) using the EQS Software (Bentler, 1995).
Where i can get this information?????

Successful PhD students

Tips from a friend

The seven secrets of highly successful PhD students

*Researchers who know and make use of these seven secrets get through their doctorate more quickly, and just as importantly are happier, according to the Staff Development and Training Unit, Flinders University, Australia.
1. Care and maintenance of your supervisors* Meet regularly with your supervisors (even if they think it is not that necessary)* Discuss and negotiate your progress regularly* Understand your different styles. If your supervisor keeps wanting you to follow up new leads and you are happy to, and you are five years into your study, it is time to get some outside perspective and guidance* If it is not working out, do something about it. Don't just think it will get better or that you can do it on your own
2. Write and show as you go: This is show and tell, not hide and seek* Always write and show as you go. If you are reading and not writing, after about 3 or 4 weeks you will forget what you have read* Writing and showing your work forces you to stay on track and refine your thinking* Writing is helpful because at the end you can't hand in your head full of lots of good ideas* Set deadlines for your writing and handing in. People generally don't write because of issues of perfectionism, so avoid this with deadlines* Generally it is a good idea to write journal articles (on your exact thesis topic), as you go* Practice writing with your peers, this can be very effective
3. Be realistic: It's not a Nobel Prize* When you are doing PhD you are learning how to do a PhD, you are not expected to know this in advance* Original work does not mean a cure for cancer. In reality it means one small step in advancing existing knowledge* Do not go off on tangents in the hope of answering 'The question', stay focused* You have a cast iron guarantee right now that your thesis will not, cannot and probably should not, be perfect* Separate yourself from your PhD. It's a bunch of thoughts on a piece of paper, it's not you. Put it in perspective
4. Say no to distractions: Even the fun ones and the ones you think you must do* Set priorities and be realistic about what you can do* Do the important rather than the immediately urgent* Cleaning scum build-up from the shower may be more fun than your PhD, but it won't get the thesis done. Resist this and other urges, and keep writing!* The golden rule to avoid over-commitment is don't let anything eat into your set study times, or as you would with a job, make the time up if interruption is unavoidable
5. It's a job: That means working nine to five but you get holidays* You may not work from nine to five, but you definitely need fixed hours. Otherwise how should you know when you should be working?* Set up a proper workplace. A bus station, university corridor or the lounge room with a TV on are not proper work areas* Like a job, if you take time off, make it up somewhere else. You wouldn't just not show up to work for three days with no consequences* Set deadlines and targets. There are very few jobs where the boss says "I'll see you in three years time with that report"* When you stick to your work times, you get guilt-free time off in the evenings and holidays (like a job). Don't try to squeeze more out of yourself. You'll just kill the goose that lays the golden eggs
6. Get help: You are not an owner-operator single person business* This means you are allowed to get help. Not only are you allowed, but you will greatly reduce time and effort if you do* Get help from statistics consultants, editors, methodologists, academics, peers, your supervisors...* Use any and all formal assistance in the university/institution including tutors and graduate schools, skills development and faculty staff
7. You can do it: A PhD is about intelligence and persistence* You would not have got this far if you did not have the intelligence to do it. If you feel like impostor, be reassured that most people doing a PhD feel that way* Persistence is at least as important ingredient; this comes from habits like meeting regularly with your supervisors, treating PhD like a job etc.* So in fact the final habit of a highly effective PhD researcher is to know and believe that you can do it, and when the going gets tough, keep going!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Cuti Malaysia - Kawan kahwin

Pada 10 Jun yang lalu kami sekeluarga telah menghadiri Majlis Perkahwinan kawan sekerja saya iaitu Pn Zawiah Mat di Jalan Dato Kumbar, Alor Setar, Kedah. Dikesempatan yang ada saya sempat merakamkan dua keping gambar pengantin untuk kenangan.

Pn Zawiah dan suami bersama tetamu yang hadir

Pasangan yang seiras.....semoga berbahagia hingga ke cucu cicit

Cuti sekolah..majlis kahwin, cuti sekolah majlis kahwin. Dikampung saya sendiri ada 3 majlis kenduri perkahwinan yang dihadiri, seronok juga dapat berjumpa dengan kenalan-kenalan lama dan orang-orang kampung. Teringat masa dulu-dulu.

Cuti Malaysia - Taman Ular

Taman Ular Perlis adalah destinasi percutian kami seterusnya. Walaupun ramai yang ikuti rombongan tapi tak semua ikut masuk untuk melihat ular-ular yang ( fobia ular)
Bagi yang tak geli dan tak takut boleh bergambar dan pegang ular lagi.
Anak-anak bergambar di dalam replika mulut ular

Ahli keluarga yang berani masuk geli hati melihat gelagat budak-budak yang memegang ular

Nor Alia....berani...takut....geli.....mamaaaaa

Anwar Hadi....berani...tak takut pun, ular ni bukan nak gigit kita..apa takut.

Opss...saya tak akan sesekali pegang ular...geli...Macam-macam jenis ular ada sini. Kebanyakkannya ular tedung selar yang panjang-panjang dan besar-besar belaka. hei.... gelinya saya. Ular makhluk kejadian Allah, ada manafaatnya juga untuk manusia....tak taulah, saya tak nak ambil tau, geliiiiiiiiiii.....

Cuti Malaysia - Muzium Padi

Sempena cuti sekolah baru-baru ini, kami sekeluarga telah mengambil kesempatan melawat muzium padi di negeri Kedah darulaman sempena 'balikkkk kampung'. Diantara gambar-gambar yang dapat dimuatkan semasa lawatan tersebut ;

Muzium Padi di Negeri Kedah

Anak-anak bergambar dengan replika singa yang terdapat diluar muzium

Diantara peralatan pertanian padi zaman dahulu kala yang terdapat dalam muzium

Potret lukisan yang mengambarkan empat musim padi di negeri Kedah. Ini satu saja, banyak lagi gambar lukisan yang ada. Kalau ada kesempatan akan di uploadkan kemudian.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ulangtahun kelahiran Arif Najmi

Kek blueberry chocalate untuk ulangtahun kelahiran Arif Najmi yang dipilih sendiri

Kawan-kawan get ready..... mama nak ambil gambar

Arif najmi bersama rakan-rakan cilik anak-anak jiran

Satu ...dua.. tiga... rebuttttt

2 jun 2009, Arif Najmi menyambut ulangtahun kelahiran yang ke tujuh tahun. Menu ulangthun kali ini ialah mee goreng (tak disentuh pun oleh budak-budak ni), keropok lekor, nugget ayam, sosej, kentang goreng, kek dan makanan ringan (bungkus untuk dibawa balik setiap seorang).
Yang paling disukainya ialah bila ada dua hadiah yang diterima daripada kekawan yang hadir. Lepas tu siap tanya....mama nak bagi hadiah apa? (opppps..mama belum lagi). Satu lagi yang diingat dan diulangnya ialah janji daripada Kak Nor nak bagi hadiah bila balik ke kampong nanti.
Budak-budak sekarang 'demanding', saya dulu tak pernah menyambut ulangtahun kelahiran seawal usia begini, bila dah berumahtangga baru sambut bersama suami. Semoga Arif Najmi dipanjangkan usia, dianugerahkan kesihatan yang sihat, dimurahkan rezeki dan menjadi anak yang soleh. Amin.....

Temujanji dan cuti-cuti Malaysia

Siang tadi pergi ke kampus induk di Durian Tunggal dan berjumpa dengan pegawai bahagian kemasukan dan rekod pelajar, pegawai di pusat komputer dan penolong pendaftar di Fakulti Teknologi Maklumat di kampus industri. Tujuannya adalah untuk mendapatkan data mengenai graduating students for semester 2009/2010. Alhamdulillah akhirnya dapat juga maklumat yang dicari. Cuma sekarang ni, kena dapatkan maklumat dari pihak UTM pula, sebab supervisor cadangkan buat comparison study. Kena buat temujanji pula dengan pegawai di UTM untuk dapatkan maklumat seperti yang dikehendaki.
Perancangan cuti sekolah ni, nak balik kampung, temujanji mungkin selepas saya bercuti nantiiiiiii...., anak-anak, suami, adik dan saya sendiri teruja nak balik kampung nun di utara, lama juga tak balik, selalunya mak saya yang datang ke Melaka. Bila ada peluang cuti sekolah begini susun strategi le.....perancangn dah ada dalam perjalanan tu nak singgah ke situ, ke sini dan ke sinu...he..he.. tak tau le jadi atau tidak.

Apa-apa pun harapan saya semoga percutian kami sekeluarga nanti dilindungi, dirahmati dan diberkati oleh Allah swt.